New, Improved iPhone 12

Apple introduces updated device for 2020

Kayla Gonzalez, Staff Writer

iPhone Models
Apple unveils new devices with new features regularly, but this time they went back to more squared off corners. The newest version also does not include headphones or a charger, which customers can buy separately. (Jada Boner)


On October 13, Apple debuted their latest iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini. While Apple currently accepts pre-orders for the iPhone 12, the iPhone mini pre-orders start on November 6. The new changes include a new design, 6.1 and 5.4 inches for the screen, supports 5G, OLED display protected with a ceramic shield, dual-lense camera, an A14 chip, and a new way to charge. 

With the new change in design, they shaved off the curved edges and replaced them with a squared edge. Apple claims this feature they brought back protects the phone more than the smooth edges did in recent models. Out of the four models they plan on releasing, the iPhone 12 Pro Max offers the largest display screen at 6.7 inches.

“I personally don’t care about new iPhones, they seem too overrated,” junior Jaiden Ware said.

Though every year some people prefer keeping one of the older iPhone models, people still go ahead and upgrade. This phone includes a new chip, A14, that allows for a faster system as well as better visual graphics. The iPhone 12 now supports 5G, making the phone perform at its highest speed. 

“Yes, the phone seems to be not so pretty, but the biggest downside is the charging methods,” junior Victoria Martinez said.

Though the only worry or dislike that people express about the new model falls on the new charging design. Apple plans on packaging their new phone without the wired earbuds and the charging cable and box. In order to purchase it, people need to visit their website and pay $39 for it. 

“I am excited for this phone, I just hope it works like Apple said it would,” junior Emily Pratt said.