New Addition to Homecoming Festivities

DHS adds a dance to their schedule

New to DHS, Decatur Student Council hosted a Homecoming dance Sept. 24.

Makena Smith

The Decatur Student Council planned a Homecoming dance for all DHS students. This is the first time DHS has ever had a Homecoming dance. This dance took place on Sept. 24 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the DHS cafeteria. 

The Decatur Student Council sold tickets at lunch for only $10 and sold them at the door for $15. Tickets were limited to DHS students. 

After a big win at the Homecoming football game, this dance was a great way to celebrate that. 

Beyond just the normal DJ, the dance also had cornhole, a place to take photos and concession stands. There were plenty of fun things to do so none of the students were bored. 

“My favorite part of the dance was probably being with my friends, seeing everyone dressed up, and the photo booth area,” sophomore Avery Hastings said.

All of the DHS students had a great time at the dance. They got to dance with their friends and make so many memories that they will never forget. 

“The best part of the dance was being able to get all dressed up, hanging out with all of my friends, and making a lot of memories. I also loved when we made a big circle and kids danced in the middle, it was hilarious,” sophomore Autumn McMaster said. 

Overall, the DHS students had a blast at the 2022 Homecoming dance and hope the Decatur Student Council will plan more dances in the future.