Ready for Break

Thanksgiving gives students time for rest

Allie Tribe, Editor

Thanksgiving comes with familiar comforts; from home cooked food to spending time with family, it’s a holiday known for thankfulness and fellowship. For students, the holiday brings a week off from school. With only a week until the break, students are starting to feel the excitement.

“I’m really excited for break since school has been kind of hectic so far,” sophomore Aaron Williamson said. 

Thanksgiving break acts as the first break of any merit for the 2022-2023 school year. The break will stretch from Nov. 21 to Nov. 25. With two full six weeks behind them, many students are happy to take this break as a time to relax from the usual stresses of schoolwork.

“I’m excited for Thanksgiving break because school has been tiring and it’ll be nice to not have to worry about classes,” senior Sebastian Campos said. 

While a break from classes is nice, other students, such as senior Hannah Smith, are planning on using the break to spend time with family, as well as work on assignments to get prepared for the last weeks of the first semester. 

“I plan on working, swimming, and I will be going to my grandparents house in Oklahoma for half the week. I am excited to get to see part of my family I haven’t seen in a while,” Smith said. “I also have a couple of things to work on for school, like my Brit lit presentation.”

Ahead of the week off, Decatur High School served a Thanksgiving-themed lunch on Wednesday, Nov. 16 that included turkey, cornbread stuffing, sweet potato casserole and green beans with ham. 

Along with the feast, students will now have an early release on Friday, Nov. 18. Students will be released from school at 12:45 p.m. that day to allow students and teachers to attend the football playoff game in Clyde.