Going the Extra Mile

Eagles work toward another chance at a state title

Photo credit Bridgett Smith

Garrett Rodgers, Staff Writer

As cross country season hits and teams prepare for the long season, Decatur aims to continue their success and make it to the State Championship again. 

The boys cross country team runs into the new season to defend their state championship, while the Lady Eagles work to overcome their second place ranking from last year.

“We all need to get better and improve this year if we want to win it all again,” senior Nelson Wylie said. “I want to get better and see how fast and how hard I can push myself.”

Veterans offer knowledge and experience to help the rookies succeed this year. 

“They need to always give it their all every time they run,” senior Lenin Blanco said. “Even if you don’t see improvement right away, just stay patient and trust the process and you have a chance to be really successful.” 

After coming off their magical season last year, the Eagles try and regroup with their returning state talent. 

“I think that if we practice and take the same approach we did last year, we can be really good again,” Blanco said. “There’ll be some bumps, but in the end I think that we have the potential to do it again.”

Although both teams were very successful last year, the Lady eagles came up just short of a state title after losing in the state semi-finals to Canyon High School. The ladies look to make improvements to make sure they have another shot at the title this year. 

“We put a ton of work in this summer. Our workouts have gotten harder overtime, but everyday we show up and try to put our best effort in,” sophomore Jentry Lamirand said. “We work really hard for each other, and we remind each other everyday what we are working towards and what we want to achieve.” 

Although cross country is a tough and demanding sport, there is something to take away from the early wake ups and the long season. 

“I like it because of the experience. Most people aren’t willing to wake up super early and go run miles before school,” Wylie said.” The people who are willing to go out and go to the extra mile really make it so amazing.”