Practically Perfect Performance

A Mary Poppins Jr Review

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Gogniat

Pictured: Aidan Cottrell, Anna Millegan and Jackson Wann

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Gogniat Pictured: Aidan Cottrell, Anna Millegan and Jackson Wann

Lindsay Gogniat, Staff Writer

Beginning in early October, the theatre department started working on producing a new musical, Mary Poppins Jr. The show took place this past week and provided many people with the opportunity to see the hard work this department put into the musical.

Based around the Disney movie, Mary Poppins, the musical brings the same plot of the actual movie to anyone interested. The beginning of the show introduces the characters of the Banks family; Jackson Wann as Michael, Izzy Kissinger and Amelia Jolley as Jane, Logan Draper as George and Sarah Culpepper as Winifred. At first, they go through many struggles and constantly argue, never getting along. The actors put a lot of emotion into this part of the play, making it more of a reality. The children then get a new nanny, Mary Poppins, who initially comes to helps with the children and ends up getting the whole family to communicate better and appreciate each other more, saving their relationships. Anna Milligan, who plays Mary Poppins, allows the audience to feel as if they know the characters themselves and shows people that she embraces her passion for theatre.

After the show on Saturday, Dec. 8, night, the cast gathered and thanked everyone for the opportunity to perform. Milligan and Aidan Cottrell, who plays Bert, lead the musical. These attentive students developed ways to bring emotion into the musical and allow the audience to enjoy the experience on a whole new level.

Overall, the department provided students with a great opportunity to involve themselves with a school production and support the school in a unique way, all while bringing childhood characters to life.