Violence in Video Games

Media sources dispute effects on youth

Photo credit Lindsay Gogniat

Magen McMillian, Staff Writer

The long history of video games began in 1958 with the release of Pong, a simple tennis game. Entertainment progressed to arcade games about shooting aliens or jumping over barrels, and eventually to modern day first-person shooter and adventure games. With the increase of violence among younger children, President Trump decided to express his opinion: Video games cause some, if not all, violence.

Years ago, people went to the arcade just to shoot enemies and defend Earth. Trump’s indication that video games cause recent outbreaks of violence seems hasty. Gory games released a long time ago, and kids nowadays enjoy adventure games or silly games..

First person shooter games erupted in November of 1991 with the release of Catacomb 3-D, the first first-person shooter to ever emerge into the world of video games. Then, came the classics that most people know of: Call of Duty, Halo and Overwatch. After 28 years, the media took a stance that games cause the rise in violence.

The biggest games among kids and teens lean towards adventure games like Minecraft and Super Mario Bros., rather than older games like Mortal Kombat. According to Web Archive, youth enjoy running around and collecting coins or resources more than throwing punches.

Media argues that kids learn violence from the games they play, and use it to solve their problems. In reality, the most violence any child sees comes from the news, or other TV shows. Children see horrible events on the news and in turn, produce their own version of how to solve simple issues in a bad way. This, mixed with a bad home life and stress or depression, causes an outburst of violence at school or at home.

The media wrongly concluded that games cause violence, when in reality violence emerges from bad mental health and troubles in kids’ lives. Kids need access to therapy at all times if people want violence to truly end.