Self-Care the Right Way

Reserving an hour of quiet time helps boost productivity, decrease stress levels  

Kayla Gonzalez, Staff Writer

Self Care
Taking time to participate in self care in the form of exercise, yoga, meditation or many other outlets, is recommended for a balanced lifestyle. (Jada Boner)


Stress happens when events in a person’s life become overwhelming. Research shows that reserving an hour a day to oneself, relieves some of the tension that builds up and provides mental clarity.

In a teen’s life, classes fill days with what seems like endless hours of work, maintaining a social life becomes sometimes stressful when friends and family want to come together, and even thinking becomes stressful some days. It not only remains important for them to start practicing the hour to themselves, but when they transition to adulthood, they take that along with them as an advantage. 

Though students and most adults prefer to scroll through social media during their hour to themselves, the main point of this type of self-care is to clear headspace and help solve problems that arise. Instead of sitting down and staying glued to technology, some helpful ways to de-stress include writing, taking a walk or run, reading, meditating, etc.

All these methods encourage people to detach themselves from the internet and the physical and mental workload they face. For example, journaling, a method that encourages individuals to write, helps in the way that while writing they solve the answers to their stress problems, including ones that were even unknown to them.

 Exercise works wonders on a person’s stress and the physical weight of burdens on a person’s shoulders. It increases endorphins which naturally make people feel better. Walking and running allows for fresh air and a clear mind to wherever your feet take you. Reading allows a person to escape within the words of another and really try to find relatable experiences, even if in a fictional world far, far away. 

Meditation is another big form of stress relief. Meditation allows feelings and thoughts to enter the mind more freely when a person sits alone in the quiet. There, in the meditative state, it becomes important to sort out the big stressors and work through feelings that become jumbled along the way. The silence during meditation makes it easier for one to focus on gaining clarity in the mind and soul.

Individuals tend to find it hard to know when to pause in life to help with their mental state. Instead of rushing to finish the overwhelming work to not deal with it anymore, pausing allows one to clear their mind. After that pause individuals bounce back and work more productively and confidently. Self-care needs to remain a priority in life, and all it takes is practice to overcome the stress and utilize their hour to truly figure out what needs to happen in order to succeed. 

In many ways, the majority of individuals have access to outlets that allow them to de-stress. Though life becomes hard sometimes, that hour a day to themself allows them an escape from their troubles and worries.